Narrative medicine emerged in response to a commodified health care system that places corporate and bureaucratic concerns over the needs of the patient. This book provides an introduction to the principles of narrative medicine and guidance for implementing narrative methods.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1975. hooks, bell. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. London: Pluto Press, 2000. hooks, bell. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge, 1994. hooks, ...
Seeks to restore the pivotal role of the patient’s own story in the healing process • Shows how conventional medicine tends to ignore the account of the patient • Presents case histories where disease is addressed and healed through ...
This book examines all aspects of narrative medicine and its value in ensuring that, in an age of evidence-based medicine defined by clinical trials, numbers, and probabilities, clinical science is firmly embedded in the medical humanities ...
Edited by two leading general practitioners and with contributions from over 20 authors, this book covers a wide range of topics to do with narrative in medicine.
Malpass A., Binnie K., Robson L. 2019. “Medical students' experience of mindfulness training in the UK: Well-being, coping reserve, and professional development.” Educ Res Int. doi:10.1155/2019/4021729. Epub 2019 Feb 3. PMID: 311684.
Still, I do want to suggest that it is through recognizing the similarity and sameness among different narratives that we can see why genetic determinism is a story entrenched in our imagination, and also why, in Toni Morrison's words, ...
In: Lessa W, Vogt E (eds) Reader in Comparative Religion: an anthropological approach. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row; 1972. Wallace AFC. Revitalization movements. In: Lessa W, Vogt E, op. cit. Bordieu P. The production and ...
Offering a particular insight into communication by and between healthcare professionals, and how it can be refocused and improved, the book is an invaluable teaching aid for educators working in both small and large formats, and for under- ...
In this pioneering volume, Peter L. Rudnytsky and Rita Charon bring together distinguished contributors from medicine, psychoanalysis, and literature to explore the multiple intersections between their respective fields and the emerging ...
"This book explores various individual user-driven strategies that assist in solving multiple clinical system problems in healthcare, using social networking to improve their healthcare outcomes"--Provided by publisher.