"Disgraced after the war, the Copperheads melted into the shadows of history. Here, Jennifer L. Weber illuminates their story."--Jacket.
This title offers an in-depth look at copperheads, including their physical characteristics, behavior, survival, techniques, life cycle, habitat and range, and threats to the animal.
This high-interest Science title is one of the 4 titles sold in a Book Pack as a part of the Tony Stead Independent Reading Reptiles and Amphibians Theme Set.
Young kids have always had a fascination with snakes. Kids will learn everything there is to know about copperheads. Includes fabulous two-page full-color spreads of the most popular snakes from around the world.
Presents information about copperheads, including information on their behavior, their habitat, the danger from their bites, and the outlook for their future.
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior of copperhead snakes.
Hissssss! Watch out for that snake! This book takes adventurous readers on a quest into the world of the copperhead.
Copperheads make their dens between rocks and in woodpiles. Read about this patterned predator.
Discusses copperhead snakes, including what they look like, where they live, what they eat, how they produce young, and dangers copperheads face.
Living in parts of the Eastern United States, copperheads are named after the orange-brown color of their bodies. Students will learn about the diet, habitats, and physical characteristics of these poisonous snakes.
"A brief introduction to copperheads, including their habitat, food, and life cycle"--Provided by publisher.