In order to be effective, federal ethics law must address sources of systematic corruption rather than simply address motives that individual government employees might have to betray the public trust (such as personal financial holdings or family relationships). Getting the Government America Deserves articulates a general approach to combating systemic corruption as well as some specific proposals for doing so. Federal ethics law is relatively unknown in legal academia and elsewhere outside of Washington, D.C., but it is binding on over one million federal employees. Lobbyists, federal contractors, lawyers and others who interact with the federal government are also deeply interested in federal ethics law and represent a surprisingly large market for a little-studied area of the law. Getting the Government America Deserves analyzes government ethics law from the perspective of an academic critic and that of a lawyer who was the chief White House ethics lawyer for two and a half years. Richard Painter argues that the existing ethics regime is in need of substantial reform since federal ethics laws fail to curtail conduct that undermines the integrity of government, such as political activity by federal employees and their interaction with lobbyists and interest groups. He also contends that in some other areas, such as personal financial conflicts of interest, there is too much complexity in regulatory and reporting requirements, and rules need to be simplified. Painter's solution includes strengthening the enforcement of ethics rules, reforming the lobbying industry, and changing a system of campaign finance that impedes meaningful government ethics reform.
The essential, bestselling book that first defined President Donald Trump's political ideas. The America We Deserve is the essential book for anyone who wants to understand the core of Donald Trump's political thinking.
A look at some of the most damaging and abusive aspects of government policy and big business activity as the American people pay the price for the Depression of 2009.
Here's former president Gerald R. Ford, interviewed in the New York Times in March 1980: Asked if he shared the view that Mr. Reagan could not win, Mr. Ford said “It would be an impossible situation” because Mr. Reagan is “perceived as ...
This wake-up call implores all citizens to fight for the conservative principles and values that made America great but that most political leaders--including Republicans--are abandoning.
The time has come to stand up for what's right in America. We may be in the middle of economic recovery, but millions of Americans are not sharing the benefits.
Brian Williams, “Pointe Du Hoc,” Military History Online ... Pension Shows How Cities Crashed,” Bloomberg Business, July 31, 2012,
This book provides a clear-headed and middle-way path to a better-functioning society in which personal responsibility is honored and inclusive capitalism and more broadly shared growth are once more the norm.
Argues that social conservatism is uniquely American invention existing due to our founding principles centering on the belief that people receive equal rights from God not government.
Government could take a gentler grip and try to work with people to make things better. This has many advantages, including enlisting ... Rigid regulation, by contrast, casts minimum standards in stone, promoting stagnant mediocrity.
The department appointed an acting chief information officer this year to guide the development of and provide oversight for information management policy. State is using private and public sector expertise in developing a department- ...