Verification in an Age of Insecurity takes the reader into some of the most urgent arms control issues facing the world community, including the nuclear activities of rogue states and threats from sophisticated non-state actors. In the book, national security expert Philip D. O'Neill, Jr. identifies and addresses issues from the resuscitated disarmament agenda, from the comprehensive test ban to fissile material and biological weapons. O'Neill examines the need for shifts in verification standards and policy suitable for our volatile era and beyond it. He surveys recent history to show how established verification procedures fail to produce the certainty necessary to meet today's threats. Verification in an Age of Insecurity goes beyond a discussion of rogue states like North Korea to offer suggestions on how best to bring compliance policy up to date with modern threats.
O'Neill Jr, Philip D. Verification in an age of insecurity: the future of arms control compliance. New York: Oxford University Press; 2010. Persbo A. Verifying a ban of fissile material production. Trust and Verify, VERTIC Newsletter ...
Border Insecurity, Take Two: Fake IDs Foil the First Line of Defense : Hearing Before the Committee on Finance, United...
In this volume, academics, practitioners from both private sector and government, along with former service members come together to highlight sixteen of the most pressing contemporary challenges in cybersecurity, and to offer ...
Hargreaves, A. (2003) Teaching in the Knowledge Society: Education in the Age of Insecurity, Maidenhead: Open University Press. ... Power, M. (1999) The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Insecurities. Melinda. Kimble. Introduction. Our climate is changing and the burning of fossil fuels is accelerating at ... from the slight rise (0.75°C) in the average temperature since the beginning of the industrial age (circa 1750).
Breeding Bio Insecurity reveals the mistakes made to this point and lays out the necessary steps to set us on the path toward true biosecurity.
In this new age, disruption will be transmitted without filters over social media, blogs and the Internet, where financial market analysts and investors may immediately react to new information without necessarily seeking verification ...
Securing the Vote: Protecting American Democracy examines the challenges arising out of the 2016 federal election, assesses current technology and standards for voting, and recommends steps that the federal government, state and local ...
For example, if communities verify the final list of beneficiaries, excludedhouseholds can be added. Instead ofvisiting all households for the proxy means survey, households ... December 2018 | FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT 31 AGE OF INSECURITY.
The book explores the diversity of the field, the need to engineer countermeasures based on speculation of what experts think computer attackers may do next, why the technology community has failed to respond to the need for enhanced ...