Deviance and Social Control: Who Rules?

Deviance and Social Control: Who Rules?
Deviance and Social Control
Social Science
Oxford University Press, USA
Helen Marshall, Kathy Douglas, Desmond McDonnell


This text examines the bizarre and the everyday behaviours that some sociologists have labelled 'deviance'. It outlines the history of sociological thought on deviance and engages with the debate about the 'death of deviance'. The authors argue it is more useful to talk about rules and rule-breakers than deviance, and relate these ideas to our professional lives, where the idea of deviance continues to be important.Key issues examined Drugs Bodies Sexuality, including paedophilia and female sexual dysfunction Sanity and madness Law, justice and the prison system Terrorism, state crime and cyber-crime Feminism and post-modernism Theories of deviance from outside and within sociologyDesigned to aid learningBy using topical examples of deviance and social control that students will recognise and connect with, the authors ensure students will engage with the theoretical concepts. Case studies and student exercises enable students to reflect further on their understandings.

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