"Starting a new organization is risky business. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, most startups fail; half of them do not reach the five-year mark. Protestant churches are not immune to these trends. Most new churches are not established with denominational support-more than 50% are actually non-denominational-and, therefore, have many of the same vulnerabilities other infant organizations must overcome. Research on both congregants and congregations has shown that millions of Americans are leaving churches, half of all churches do not add any new members, and thousands of churches shutter their doors each year. These numbers suggest that American religion is not a growth industry. Yet, more than 1000 new churches are started in any given year. What are the forces that move people who might otherwise be satisfied working for churches to the more risky role of starting one as a religion entrepreneur? In Church Planters, sociologist Richard Pitt uses more than 125 in-depth interviews with church planters to understand their motivations. First, he uncovers themes in their sometimes miraculous, sometimes mundane answers to the question: "why take on these risks?" Then he examines how they approach three common entrepreneurial challenges-recognizing opportunities, marshalling resources, and framing success-in ways that reduce uncertainty and lead them to believe they will be successful. The book combines their evocative stories with insights from research on commercial and social entrepreneurship to explain how these religion entrepreneurs come to believe their organizational goals must be accomplished, that they are capable of being accomplished, and that they would accomplish them over time"--
Starting Reproducing Congregations
5. Melvin Hodges , A Guide to Church Planting ( Chicago : Moody Press , 1973 ) , p . 58 . 6. Paul Benjamin , The Growing Congregation ( Lincoln , Illinois : Lincoln Christian College Press , 1972 ) , p . 32 . 7. Ibid . , pp . 66 , 67 .
While in Australia he attended the Christian Outreach Center of Clark Taylor where he heard the following story : In 1974 Taylor started to build a church from scratch . By 1988 , that church had grown to a membership of 4,400 meeting ...
Radical Church Planting
Richard Scoggins founded and coordinated the Fellowship of Church Planters in Rhode Island for many years and now works as a coach for church planting teams working among Muslims , in addition to continuing to plant churches in England ...
It's important to explain to them the purpose of the “ seeker's service " and invite them to the service for believers . The nurture service . This is a service specifically designed for believers . This meeting is critical for the ...
Color Your World with Natural Church Development: Experiencing All that God Has Designed You to Be
What Leaders Are Saying about Church Planting from the Ground Up “ This book is an encyclopedia of church planting . I am strongly encouraging our staff to require this book of every church planting student . ” Thom Rainer , from the ...
An overview of recent developments in church planting. Detailed, practical, well-researched book describes the varied and exciting "fresh expressions" of church being created.
The LTG empowers the common Christian to do the uncommon work of reproductive discipling." (page 63) "In my years of ministry, I have not found any method that produces such powerful results in fulfilling the Great Commission.