"The 9th edition of School Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research marks the further development of school social work as a social work specialization, as well as this venerable textbook itself. American school social work is well into its second century now, and despite ever-present concerns about limited resources, budgets, and school social worker: student ratios, school social work continues to grow, both in the U.S. and internationally. Throughout the U.S. and globally, school social work is becoming increasingly essential to the educational process as families and communities strive to make schools safe and inclusive places for children to learn, to grow, and to flourish. This 9th edition strives to reflect how school social work practice in the third decade of the 21st century effectively impacts academic, behavioral, and social outcomes for youth and the school communities they serve"--
... 50, 51 Schumm, J. S., 121 Schwartz, W., 90, 93, 95, 101, 103, 159 Sears, J. T., 154, 155 Sessions, P., 6 Seybolt, ... A., 81 Woods, C. J., 102 Work, W. C., 75 Wright, A., 165 Wright, M., 198 Wyman, P. A., 75 Young, B. A., 157 Yung, ...
The main goal of this text is to a provide hands on and practical experience for students studying to become school social workers.
The School Social Work Toolkit: Hands-on Counseling Activities and Workshops
Sabatino, C.A., Mayer, L. M., & Timberlake, E. M. (2006). The effectiveness of school social work practice. In R. Constable, C. Massat, S. McDonald, & J. Flynn (Eds.), School social work: Practice, policy, and research. Chicago: Lyceum.
The demands of federal legislation like No Child Left Behind and state requirements for certification are making it increasingly necessary that school social workers demonstrate that they are highly qualified school-based mental health and ...
The book presents strategies for dealing with particular problems, such as violence, trauma, parental absence, substance abuse, bereavement, and mental health concerns.
This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 75 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered in school settings, such as study and organizational skill deficits and academic motivation/underachievement, as well as "outside" ...
Featuring contributions from leaders in the field of social work, co-editors Bye and Alvarez developed this text to present a balance of theory and practice. Best practices, ecological and strengths...
... transition behaviors in an elementary school. School Psychology Quarterly, 12, 344–363. Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2007). Applied Behavior Analysis (Second Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education ...
Miller, N. S. (1999). Mortality risks in alcoholism and effects of abstinence and addiction treatment. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 22(2), 371–383. Minkler, M., & Roe, K. (1993). Grandparents as caregivers: Raising children of ...