A clear-headed vision for the United States' role in the Middle East that highlights the changing nature of U.S. national interests and the challenges of grand strategizing at a time of profound change in the international order. Following a long series of catastrophic misadventures in the Middle East over the last two decades, the American foreign policy community has tried to understand what went wrong. After weighing the evidence, they have mostly advised a retreat from the region. The basic view is that when the United States tries to advance change in the Middle East, it only makes matters worse. In The End of Ambition, Steven A. Cook argues that while these analysts are rightly concerned that engagement drains U.S. resources and distorts its domestic politics, the broader impulse to disengage tends to neglect important lessons from the past. Moreover, advocates of pulling back overlook the potential risks of withdrawal. Covering the relationship between the U.S. and the Middle East since the end of WWII, Cook makes the bold claim that despite setbacks and moral costs, the United States has been overwhelmingly successful in protecting its core national interests in the Middle East. Conversely, overly ambitious policies to remake the region and leverage U.S. power not only ended in failure, but rendered the region unstable in new and largely misunderstood ways. While making the case that retrenchment is not the answer to America's problems in the Middle East, The End of Ambition highlights how America's interests in the region have begun to change and critically examines alternative approaches to U.S.-Middle East policy. Cook highlights the challenges that policymakers and analysts confront developing a new strategy for the United States in the Middle East against the backdrop of both political uncertainty in the United States and a changing global order.
Politics in the Middle East
The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference Jerrold S. ... Though J. N. Postgate and Marvin Powell , the editors of the Bulletin of Sumerian Agriculture , have bemoaned the fact that ...
As noted above, two groups, 3a and 4c, have been recognized; it is the earliest known 3a occurrence. ... There was one fragment of a sickle which incorporated one obsidian and three flint blades; they were held together with bitumen.
There was even an international commission to regulate the disputed Jordan waters problem and provisions for a ... of special US envoy Eric Johnston , approved by Dulles , to share the Jordan and Yarmouk river waters in a scheme for ...
I know now that if they wanted to kill me, they could have that night. This is just one of the many adventures the author has faced during his 44 years of living and working in the volatile Middle East.
Palmer , Monte . Dilemmas of Political Development . 4th ed . Itasca , Ill .: F. E. Peacock Publishers , 1988 . Peretz , Don . The Middle East Today . 5th ed . New York : Praeger Publishers , 1988 . Perry , Glenn E. The Middle East .
Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive?
أسامة بن لادن: حيّ أم ميت؟
In 1838 and 1839 David Roberts embarked on a long journey through the Near East.
Petra and the Holy Land: Lithographs of David Roberts, R.A.