"This book focuses on a very timely and important subject that merit s comprehensive analysis: "rethinking" the securities laws, with particular emphasis on the Securities Act and Securities Exchange Act. The system of securities regulation that prevails today in the United States is one that has been formed through piecemeal federal legislation, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in vocation of its administrative authority, and self-regulatory episodic action. As a consequence, the presence of consistent and logical regulation all too often is lacking. In both transactional and litigation settings, with frequency, mandates apply that are erratic and antithetical to sound public policy. Over four decades ago, the American Law Institute (ALI) adopted the ALI Federal Securities Code. The Code has not been enacted by Congress and its prospects are dim. Since that time, no treatise, monograph, or other source comprehensively has focused on this meritorious subject. The objective of this book is to identify the deficiencies that exist under the current regimen, address their failings, provide recommendations for rectifying these deficiencies, and set forth a thorough analysis for remediation in order to prescribe a consistent and sound securities law framework. By undertaking this challenge, the book provides an original and valuable resource for effectuating necessary law reform that should prove beneficial to the integrity of the U.S. capital markets, effective and fair government and private enforcement, and the enhancement of investor protection"--
Understanding Securities Law
Securities law review
Thus, so long as Irene and Irwin expect to make together more than $300,000 this year, they seem to fit under the dollar thresholds as of 2020. Under the current Reg D, the size of their investment is irrelevant. See Securities Act Rel.
This book takes a comparative law and economics approach to the study of corporate governance.
Follows the general format of the very popular and teachable earlier editions, with several significant improvements. The new edition also includes extensive descriptions of the changes embodied in the Private...
This casebook presents securities regulation in a comprehensive & understandable, yet intellectually challenging manner, & combines both the theoretical & practical aspects of this subject. In addition to case law,...
The philosophy of this leading casebook is that securities law is tricky, and most students need a straightforward guide through at least some of its aspects. Coverage of the Securities...
Securities in a Nutshell
This thought-provoking book challenges the way we think about regulating cryptoassets.
Securities Law in Perspective