This ground-breaking book has been in print since 1974. Earlier editions of the book were seminal in delineating brain-behavior relationships; the current edition expands this theme using the most recent data from the neurosciences and molecular biology. Earlier editions focused on the behavioral aspects of neurological conditions and the neurological aspects of psychiatric disorders. While this is still the focus of the book it has become clear from many research studies that the environmental events and emotions can alter brain structure , thus finally bringing a scientific basis to psychological events. We have also added a valuable clinical chapter on differentiating the etiologies of disturbed behavior. This comprehensive text by two authors avoids the deluge of facts and duplicationof material often found in multi-authored texts to leave the leader with a consistent approach to understanding and diagnosing disturbances of behavior. While the book is directed towards medical students, residents, psychiatrists and neurologists it has been widely used by many varied health professionals, pyschologists ,and lawyers.
By emphasizing the principles of Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, this book will improve your understanding of brain-behavior relationships and inform your care of patients and families affected by neurobehavioral disorders.
Sentence-to-picture matching tasks are the most utilized, such as those of the Curtiss–Yamada Comprehensive Language Evaluation (CYCLE) [52]. Tests of mental calculation are likely to be below expectations in lvPPA, and mild signs of ...
Changes for this second edition include the reflection throughout the book of the new and flourishing alliance of behavioral neurology, neuropsychology, and neuropsychiatry with cognitive science;major revision of all chapters; new ...
This unique book examines the role of the brain's white matter in the organization of human mental function.
This book considers the contribution of white matter to cognition and emotion.
The leading clinical reference on behavioral neurology! This state-of-the-art second edition reflects groundbreaking coverage of both clinical and theoretical aspects of brain-behavior studies. Features five new chapters in such rapidly...
McConnell H, Duncan D. Treatment of psychiatric comorbidity in epilepsy. In: McConnell HW, Snyder PJ, eds. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Epilepsy: Basic Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., ...
This reference text provides an insightful and unified synthesis of cognitive neuroscience and behavioral neurology.
Brain Injury. 1996;10(11):849-860. 174. Glenn MB, Wroblewski B, Parziale J, Levine L, Whyte J, Rosenthal M. Lithium carbonate for aggressive behavior or affective instability in ten brain-injured patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil.
Berger B, Gaspar P, Verney C. Dopaminergic innervation of the cerebral cortex: unexpected differences between rodents and primates. Trends Neurosci. 1991;14:21. ... Stuss DT, Floden D, Alexander MP, Levine B, Katz D. Stroop performance ...