This is the first full-length study of Gothic to be written from the perspective of Bakhtinian theory. Dr Howard uses Bakhtin's concepts of heteroglossia and dialogism in specific historical analyses of key works of the genre. Her discussions of Ann Radcliffe's Mysteries of Udolpho, Matthew Lewis's The Monk, Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein demonstrate that the discursive ambiguity of these novels is not inherently subversive, but that the political force of particular discourses is contingent upon their interaction with other discourses in the reading process. This position enables the author to intervene in feminist discussions of Gothic, which have claimed it as a specifically female genre. Dr Howard suggests a way in which feminists can appropriate Bakhtin to make politically effective readings, while acknowledging that these readings do not exhaust the novels' possibilities of meaning and reception. Drawing on the most up-to-date debates in literary theory, this is a sophisticated and scholarly analysis of a genre that has consistently challenged literary criticism.
Outlines the plot and characters of this groundbreaking play; explains the production, historical context, and themes; and includes critiques and reactions of scholars.
他们虽然不像其他流派团体一样,拥有严密的组织,但是常常会举办一些文化沙龙,比如说林徽因每逢周六就会在自家的四合院里举办茶会,邀约各类学术精英、社会名流前来品茶聚会、谈古论今。林徽因的女儿梁再冰后来回忆道:“每到周末, ...
约翰?伦纳德是美国文学界的一位泰斗。作为一名博学、热忱、涉猎甚广的书评人,他亲手参与塑造了美国当代文学的风貌。本书系从伦纳德历经50载的阅读生涯中萃取的50篇对多位名 ...
Marshall , James . Goldilocks and the Three Bears . Retold and Illus . by : James Marshall . New York : Dial , 1988 . Mayo , Gretchen Will . Here Comes Tricky Rabbit : Native American Trickster Tales . New York : Walker , 1994 .
Cyrus Hoy, Thomas Dekker Fredson Bowers. but this identification is by no means regarded as certain , ' Hand C is that of a theatrical scribe , Hand D has been attributed to Shakespeare , 3 Hand E has been identified as Dekker's.4 ...
As Thompson has pointed out, we commonly use words, expressions, and constructions in written expositions that would seem artificial in oral speech. Gri- boedov's phrase, "and you speak as you write," refers to the comic transfer of the ...
The Ruined Cottage: The Brothers Michael
This edition represents Shakespeare's text as it appears in the most authoritative of early editions, the Folio, published in 1623, and it supplies students with useful footnotes to the interpretation of the text.
Here are more than 1,800 quotations, organized from A-to-Z, from America's consummate author--Mark Twain.
Tested GOLD MEDAL WINNER only a few and proved Jowett training will bring WEEKS AGO ! " you new men and women Yriends , new popularity everywhere you go . ALL XO ! I don't care how skinny or llabSPORTS by you are , I'll make you OVER by ...