The French Revolution stirred a bitter debate in Britain concerning the nature of civil society and the political nation. This is an original and lively study of the efforts of contemporary women writers to base a reformed state and national culture on virtues and domains traditionally conceded to women. The pre-Revolutionary call for the feminization of culture acquired new and controversial meaning during the Revolution debate with the claims of Mary Wollstonecraft and others for intellectual, vocational, sexual, and even political equality with men. But women writers of the period were faced with a literary discourse that assigned learned, sublime, and controversial genres, and public and political themes, to men. Women writers therefore undertook bold literary experiments that were derided and suppressed in their time, and which are still misunderstood. Gary Kelly investigates this hitherto neglected achievement by combining a wide survey of women's writing in its historical context with detailed analyses of three leading women writers: Helen Maria Williams, the eyewitness to the Revolution most widely read in Britain; the determined feminist and self-styled 'female philosopher' Mary Hays; and Elizabeth Hamilton, relentless 'feminizer' of supposedly 'masculine' discourse, from satire to social reform and from classics to theology.
在大学里撰写研究报告、本科硕士论文、博士论文的学生们现在正生活在一个充满电子技术的世界里,这在1937年是不可想象的——那一年,学术论文负责人凯特·L·杜拉宾首先汇编了 ...
Reimann , G. A .; Grandy , J. D .; Eddy , T. L .; Anderson , G. L. In Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management Spectrum '92 ( Proc . ) ; American Nuclear Society , Inc. , La Grange Park , IL , 1992 ; Vol . 2 , pp . 1083-1088 . 3 .
... 223-24 Bayard , Thomas F. , 289 Blair , Montgomery , 206 Beach , Moses Y. , 125-26 Blessing , Tim H. , 256 Beech ... Karl A. , 432 Boynton , Charles , 335 Bickham , W. D. , 235 Bradford , John , 46 Biddle , Nicholas , 87 Bradford ...
As Thompson has pointed out, we commonly use words, expressions, and constructions in written expositions that would seem artificial in oral speech. Gri- boedov's phrase, "and you speak as you write," refers to the comic transfer of the ...
Baldi , Philip and Ronald N. Werth , eds . 1978. Readings in historical phonology : Chapters in the theory of sound ... Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 13.18–33 . and Row . Christie , William M. , Jr. , FROM MEDIEVAL TO MODERN SPANISH 371.
Tested GOLD MEDAL WINNER only a few and proved Jowett training will bring WEEKS AGO ! " you new men and women Yriends , new popularity everywhere you go . ALL XO ! I don't care how skinny or llabSPORTS by you are , I'll make you OVER by ...
A stock solution of PCP was prepared at an elevated pH of 11 with 1 N NaOH to increase the solubility of PCP in the aqueous phase . For the partial chemical oxidation pretreatment by Fenton's Reagent , the ferrous sulfate solution ...
Madsen , H. , & Bowen , J. D. ( 1978 ) . Adaptation in language teaching . New York : Newbury House . Stevick , E. W. ( 1972 ) . Evaluating and adapting language materials . In H. B. Allen & R. N. Campbell ( Eds . ) , Teaching English ...
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.