The collapse of Communist power has focused attention once again on the processes of nation-building in Central and Eastern Europe. In this comprehensive study, Keith Hitchins traces how Rumania's political and intellectual élites attempted to create an independent state before the advent of Communist rule in 1947.
" comparable work in any language has documented this important history with the thoroughness, skill, and analytical sophistication this book demonstrates.”—Leo Spitzer, Dartmouth College.
4 For the Ceauşescu period in general , see Dennis Deletant , Ceauşescu and the Securitate : Coercion and Dissent in Romania 1965-1989 ( London , 1995 ) . The best known of the dictator's official biographies is that by Michel Hamelet ...
This book examines the US foreign policy of differentiation towards the socialist regimes of Eastern Europe as it was implemented by various administrations towards Ceausescu’s Romania from 1969 to 1980.
Romania's Abandoned Children reveals the heartbreaking toll paid by children deprived of responsive care, stimulation, and human interaction.
A Short History of Romania
Germany's Eastern Front in World War II saw many campaigns and battles that have been "forgotten" by a Soviet Union that tried to hide its military failures. The Red Army's...
This work will be of interest to students and researchers in geography, geomorphology, geology, environmental science, paleoclimatology and soil science as well as policy and decision-makers in spatial planning.
This book examines the way that Romania has negotiated Dracula tourism over the past four decades. During the communist period (up to 1989) the Romanian state did almost nothing to encourage such tourism but reluctantly tolerated it.
This volume comprises a series of studies on Romanian history by Romanian and foreign historians of Romania dedicated to the memory of the distinguished Romanian historian Constantin C. Giurescu.
In a book that will be essential for those concerned with the problem of nationalism in the contemporary world, Irina Livezeanu examines a critical chapter in Eastern European history - the trajectory of the aggressive nationalism that ...