Practical Reality is about the relation between the reason why we do things and the reasons why we should. It maintains that current philosophical orthodoxy bowdlerises this relation, making it impossible to understand how anyone can act for a good reason.In order to understand this, Dancy claims, we have to abandon current conceptions of the reasons why we act (our motivating reasons) as mental states of ourselves. Belief/desire explanations of action, or purely cognitive accounts in terms of beliefs alone, drive too great a wedge between thenormative and the motivational. Instead, we have to understand a motivating reason as the sort of thing that could be a good reason: for instance, that the train is about to leave this, rather than my belief that the train is about to leave, must be my reason for running.Most contemporary philosophers think that this view cannot be true. Dancy aims to demonstrate that things can be as he thinks they must be. By giving a fresh account of values and reasons, he finds a place for normativity in philosophy of mind and action, and strengthens the connection betweenthese areas and ethics.
"This volume consists almost entirely of unpublished papers which George H. Mead left at his death in 1931"--Pref.
"This volume consists almost entirely of unpublished papers which George H. Mead left at his death in 1931"--Pref.
What role does reason play in our actions? How do we know whether what we do is right? Can practical reasoning guide ethical judgment? Practical Reasoning and Ethical Decision presents...
Action Theory for Public Administration
An argument that perception is something we do, not something that happens to us: not a process in the brain, but a skillful bodily activity.
The essays in this volume subject the assumptions that motivate such claims to sustained interdisciplinary scrutiny.Patients with Anarchic Hand syndrome sometimes find their hands perform apparently goal-directed actions which the patients ...
Experience with these programs , however , has indicated that there are dimensions of moral education to which they do not attend and that , among other problems , this has encouraged a tendency toward moral relativism in society .
In the first ever book on Hume's philosophy of action, Sandis showcases Hume's interconnected views on action and its causes by situating them within a wider vision of our human understanding of personal identity, causation, freedom, ...
"A fundamental feature of our individual, human agency is its organization over time.
The activity system is constantly working through tensions and contradictions within and between its elements. Contradictions manifest themselves in disturbances and innovative solutions. In this sense, an activity system is a virtual ...