Based on the testimony of over 200 children who have been victims of a wide range of crimes, this book gives voice for the first time to their experiences, their views, and their needs.
With its unique human-rights perspective on the study of childhood victimization and an innovative, child-inclusive restorative justice model, this book promises to be a touchstone for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers concerned ...
Child abuse, incest, child molestation, Halloween sadism, child pornography: although clearly not new problems, they have attracted more attention than ever before. Threatened Children asks why.
It explores the legal processes that the child victim encounters, contrasts the response to victims of child abuse with victims of other crimes and makes recommendations for future policy.
1969 President Richard M. Nixon proposes the Family Assistance Plan in a message to Congress. ... Wyman, a mother on AFDC, after several days' advance notice, refused to let a child-welfare worker into her home for a visit, and, ...
An analysis of ritualistic and religion-related child abuse allegations. Law and Human Behavior, 20, 1–34. Butler, E. W., Fukurai, H., Dimitrius, J.-E., & Krooth, R. (2001). Anatomy of the McMartin child molestation case.
Finkelhor, D., Mitchell, K. J., & Wolak, J. (2000). Online victimization: A report on the nation's youth. Alexandria, VA: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (Order #62). Hammer, H., Finkelhor, D., & Sedlak, A. J. (2002).
David Finkelhor presents a comprehensive vision to encompass the prevention, treatment and study of juvenile victims, unifying conventional subdivisions like child molestation, child abuse, bullying and exposure to community violence.
Wallace Kennett ( 55 years ) shot Jason ( 16 years ) , the son of his de facto wife , after she had announced to her son her intention to marry Wallace . Upon hearing the news , her son ' went wild ' , pushing and threatening his mother ...
This book is a practical and thoughtful guide for the forensic interview of children, presenting a synthesis of the empirical and theoretical knowledge necessary to understand the account of child victims of abuse or witnesses of crime.
This book will provide the reader with the essential experience of understanding how children make meaning of being maltreated by a parent, and how these traumatic bonds form and last.