Legal Ethics and Legal Practice: Contemporary Issues

Legal Ethics and Legal Practice: Contemporary Issues
Philosophy / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
Clarendon Press
Stephen Parker, Charles J. G. Sampford, Stephen John Parker


This collection of essays on legal ethics addresses the subject comparatively, unlike any previous publication in either the UK or the US. Many of the papers originated from rare collaborative empirical research between academic and practising lawyers combining to produce a book that is unique in its concern with the issues that affect all lawyers in common law systems today. These lawyers are naturally apprehensive about the unprecedented investigation, criticism, and attack which they face. They fear for their livelihood and status in the community while sharing the public's sense of unease. Searching for immediate changes that might placate economic deregulators, the press and politicians, is one of the aims of this collection of original essays, many of which are written by people who are, or were, practitioners of law. This is reflected in the types of initiatives which are debated in this volume - to reform adversarial rules of procedure, to introduce mediational alternatives, and to curb systematic biases. The aims of this volume are therefore to reflect some of the key issues, to suggest possible arguments which might lead to solutions, and to provide readers, particularly those involved in practice, with strategies for devising more 'ethical' practices.

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