The law governing family relationships has changed dramatically in the course of the 20th century and this book - drawing extensively on both published and archival material and on legal as well as other sources - gives an account of the processes and problems of reform.
Olcott, Joseph, 246–47 oliver twist (dickens), 59 Olsen, arthur P., 90–91 olson v. saxton (1917), 90–91 one-drop rule, 32. see also interracial marriage O'neill, william, 57 o'neil v. schuckardt (1986), 356n56 Oregon, laws and statutes ...
And in an age of global dominance, what impact has the American legal system had abroad? This engrossing book chronicles a century of revolutionary change within a legal system that has come to affect us all.
Inside the Castle tells the story of that institution, exploring the ways in which law tried to penetrate and control this most mysterious realm of personal life.
This volume examines the state of family law in America.
Fourteen leading scholars explore the lives of seven of the most famous Jewish lawyers in the history of international law.
His writing has always been a model of elegance and erudition. Even had the essays in this book not been written in his honour they would inevitably have had to rely heavily on his work.
This book is a crucial step toward defining America's most pressing social policy problems having to do with women, motherhood and the family.
Examines the experiences of couples in controversial unions and the legal and cultural backlash against contested marital arrangements in twentieth-century America.
And in time the state will feel the effects . " 78 But others were convinced that children were victimized by divorce , which rendered them " worse than orphans . " William Johnston was so concerned about parents ' neglect of their ...
Two gay men caring for their adopted son? In this provocative essay, a leading American legal historian argues that laws about family are increasingly laws about individuals and their right to make their own, sometimes contentious, choices.