This book offers a conceptual scheme for an integrated analysis of prices and values. The proposed system covers both factor and commodity valuations and is more general in application than the standard systems previously established, in that it provides a framework from which neo-classical,Marxian, and Sraffa-type price concepts can all be derived as special cases. In the first edition of this book, Cost, Use, and Value (1985), the author put forward the concept of goods and factor valuations, termed 'eigenprices'. This edition goes on to interpret the 'dual' of eigenprices, to be termed 'eigenfinals', as the 'warranted final deliveries' of the economy, suchthat the employment generated, if paid in (national) eigenprices would be just sufficient to create their own demand. The second edition is more accessible and contains an expanded exposition, improved notes, and additional empirical material.
Cost, Use, and Value: The Evaluation of Performance, Structure, and Prices Across Time, Space, and Economic Systems
This is a vividly written book, punctuated by striking analogies, a good deal of outrage, and a nice dose of humor'' (Cass Sunstein, The New Republic).
This volume is divided into sections on: Book I: Utility (Disutility of labour, Utility and Wants, Direct and Indirect Utility, Utility Equations, Subjective Price) Book II: Value and Market (Objective Price, Markets, Value) Book III: ...
Healy, J. 2012. For Farms in the West, Oil Wells are Thirsty Rivals. ... Hensher, D., J. Rose, and W. Greene. 2005. Applied Choice Analysis: A Primer. ... Hoag, D., and J. Hughes-Popp. 1997. Theory and Practice of Pollution Credit ...
This volume is composed of three sections. The first section provides background into the issues underlying the public and academic discussion regarding CV and the reliability of CV estimates of economic value.
- The system works exceptionally well will quality improvement and up gradation programs e.g.
Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of what they do? At the heart of today's financial and economic crisis is a problem...
Exploring Health and Environmental Costs of Food: Workshop Summary provides the basis for a follow-up planning discussion involving members of the IOM Food and Nutrition Board and the NRC Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources and ...
Gibbons examines the water supply problem through five case studies.
This book documents the use of methods that put a value on cultural goods, including theater, cultural events, museums, archeological sites, and libraries.