Citizenship Rights and Social Movements: A Comparative and Statistical Analysis

Citizenship Rights and Social Movements: A Comparative and Statistical Analysis
Political Science / Civil Rights
Oxford University Press
Todd Landman, Joe Foweraker, Professor of Government and Director of the Center for Mexican Studies Joe Foweraker


This is the first comparative study of the relationship between social movements and citizenship rights. It identifies the main connections made between collective action and individual rights, in theory and history, and tests them in the context of modern authoritarian regimes. It does so bymeasuring both social mobilization and the presence of rights over time, and by analysing their mutual impact statistically - both within and across national cases. The results create a new perspective on democratic struggles in authoritarian conditions, and on processes of democratic transitions. The selected cases of Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Spain are similar enough to make comparisons possible, and different enough to make them interesting. Measuring mobilization and rights provides a comparative description of their forms and fluctuations, just as the statistical results promote acomparative analysis of their influence and interactions. The study uses statistical techniques, but employs them to illuminate historical processes. In sum, its quantitative methods work to enhance the qualitative inquiry, and together they come to constitute a robust defense of democracy as the direct result of collective struggles for individualrights.

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