Motivating learners to explore and investigate scientific concepts, this new core Course Book helps learners actively connect study with wider issues relevant to the world today. The most comprehensive match to the new syllabus first examined 2017 and the only DP Environmental Systems developed directly with the IB, the inquiry-based approach truly engages learners, strengthening achievement. Integrated links to the Big Questions support a holistic approach to teaching and learning, encouraging students to make links between topics and other subjects. Truly engage learners with scientific concepts - the inquiry-based approach drives active exploration, investigation and critical thought Fully cover the new syllabus - the most comprehensive support for the new syllabus (first examination 2017), developed directly with the IB Strengthen achievement - current case studies and activities accessibly connect learning with relevant global issues, driving motivation and achievement Accurately implement the new requirements- written by DP Curriculum Devleopers and authors of the new syllabus Support the new internal assessment - fresh ideas and new approaches to practicals from Gilliam Williams help you tackle the changes Build assssment potential - assessment support directly from the IB provides unrivalled exam preparation Also available in print format Multiplatform access, compatible with PCs, Macs, iPads, tablets and more The license is valid until 31st December 2023 About the Series: IB Diploma Course Books are essential resource materials designed in cooperation with the IB to provide students with extra support through their IB studies. Course Books provide advice and guidance on specific course assessment requirements, mirroring the IB philosophy and providing opportunities for critical thinking.
Equip your learners with the skills central to success. Enabling you to build, extend and perfect the skills crucial to achievement, this text strengthens performance in all areas of assessment.
"Cambridge resources for the IB diploma"--p. [4] cover.
Environmental Systems and Societies for the IB Diploma follows the latest syllabus for first examination in 2017.
Support the new internal assessment - fresh ideas and new approaches to practicals from Gillian Williams help you tackle the changes. Build assessment potential - assessment support directly from the IB provides unrivalled exam preparation.
Environmental Systems and Societies for the IB Diploma Revision Guide will ensure students can aim for their best grade with the help of relevant and accessible notes, examiner advice, and questions and answers on each key topic.
Stretch your students to achieve their best grade with these year round course companions; providing clear and concise explanations of all syllabus requirements and topics, and practice questions to support and strengthen learning.
Support students through the Internal Assessment with advice and guidance including how to choose a topic, approach the investigation and analyse and evaluate results.
Exam Board: IB Level: Standard level Subject: Environmental Systems & Societies First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: Summer 2017 Stretch your students to achieve their best grade with these year round course companions; providing ...
This book contains seven excellent Internal Assessments (IA) for the IB ESS course.
IB Prepared resources are developed directly with the IB to provide the most up-to-date, authentic and authoritative guidance on DP assessment.