Equip your learners with the skills central to success. Enabling you to build, extend and perfect the skills crucial to achievement, this text strengthens performance in all areas of assessment. With a focus on practical work that accessibly connects material to real, global issues, itdevelops a thorough foundation of skills that drive performance.
"Cambridge resources for the IB diploma"--p. [4] cover.
This book contains seven excellent Internal Assessments (IA) for the IB ESS course.
Environmental Systems and Societies for the IB Diploma follows the latest syllabus for first examination in 2017.
Support students through the Internal Assessment with advice and guidance including how to choose a topic, approach the investigation and analyse and evaluate results.
Environmental Systems and Societies for the IB Diploma Revision Guide will ensure students can aim for their best grade with the help of relevant and accessible notes, examiner advice, and questions and answers on each key topic.
Exam Board: IB Level: Standard level Subject: Environmental Systems & Societies First Teaching: September 2015 First Exam: Summer 2017 Stretch your students to achieve their best grade with these year round course companions; providing ...
Pearson Baccalaureate Environmental Systems and Societies, 2nd edition is acomprehensive textbook that covers all eight topics from the course, along with advice on Internal Assessment, the Extended Essay, and links to Theory of Knowledge.
Environmental Systems and Societies SL: IB Diploma Programme
This book can be used from the first year of the Diploma Programme.
Equip your learners with the skills central to success. Enabling you to build, extend and perfect the skills crucial to achievement, this text strengthens performance in all areas of assessment....