The Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations is the one book that all doctors will want on their shelves. Packed with quotations both old and new, from the famous, and the not so famous, this book will be both a valuable reference work, and a source of considerable entertainment.
Medical education as a discipline has a long history and has developed enormously in the past decade with the emergence of evidence-based teaching techniques, outcomes based curricula and assessment methods that are valid and reliable - ...
Dictionary of quotes of general medical interest rather than those about specialties. Arranged alphabetically by subjects. Entries give quotation, author, dates, and brief explanatory statement. Keyword, name indexes.
This book can be read for entertainment or used as a handy reference by students and professionals and the wider public interested in who has said what on medicine.
The original words announcing great scientific discoveries, from the first 'Eureka!' to the cloning of Dolly the sheep, can all be found in this fascinating new collection, a major addition...
As workers move into new teams, new organizations, or more senior roles, they often encounter periods of discomfort where ... often out with formalized support structures. situated learning effectively silences debates about transfer.
Medically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing contains over 1,500 quotes pertinent and especially illuminating to these disciplines.
This colour edition medical dictionary should be of use both as a home medical guide and as an aid for all those working in the medical and allied professions.
It is hard to imagine a more convenient reference than this new edition of The Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. The first thematic quotations dictionary to be derived from Oxford's...
... or by other preconceived notions in the observation of phenomena, the performance of analyses and other determinations. Quoted in Joseph Stewart Fruton Contrasts in Scientific Style Chapter V (p. 172) American Philosophical Society.
This dictionary incorporates new material on the major developments of the last few years, including public health medicine, genetics and organ transplantation. The dictionary includes more than 10,200 clear and concise entries.