Busy clinicians need easily accessible information falling into two broad categories: diagnosis and management of patients with particular groups of symptoms; and comprehensive information on defined clinical problems. With this in mind, the Oxford Handbook of Gastroenterology and Hepatology has been structured in a unique way. The first section covers approaches to clinical problems detailing 29 of the most common problems in GI medicine, including infectious disease and gastrointestinal problems in developing countries. A key section of the handbook is a unique A-Z compendium of the specialty which includes information on 100s of topics in gastroenterology, from Abetalipoproteinaemia to Zieve's syndrome. Colour coded links enable readers to find information in related chapters quickly. Further sections include emergencies, and commonly used drugs used in gastroenterology and hepatology, with emphasis on practice tips and common complications. The result of this new approach is a handbook which is practical and informative, while being a pleasure to use. It is an essential guide to the management of common conditions and will be invaluable to all those involved in the care of patients with gastrointestinal disease.
2)损伤感染:因直肠内异物或外伤,或干结粪便等造成肛管直肠损伤,感染向深部组织扩散,即可形成肛周脓肿。会阴部手术操作不当,或术后护理不慎也可引起肛管直肠周围间隙发生脓肿。 3)皮源性感染:由于肛门周围皮肤的毛囊、汗腺等感染,或皮脂腺囊肿合并感染均可 ...
Based on limited studies with mule deer ( Pearson 1969 ) , buffalo ( Pearson 1967 ) , elk ( McBee et al . 1969 ) , reindeer ( Dehority 1975 , Orpin et al . 1985 ) , and camel ( Hungate et al . 1959 ) , wild ruminants appear to harbor ...
Gastroenterology 1984 ; 86 : 820-8 . 11. Andersson R , Lindell G , Cwikiel W , Dawiskiba S. Retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst as a differential diagnosis of pancreatic mucinous cystic tumor . Dig Surg 2003 ; 20 : 55-7 .
服用中药汤剂时能加糖吗? fuyong zhongyaotang jishi neng jia tang ma 中草药煎成汤剂后味道苦涩,因此不少人就会在汤剂中加糖服用。然而,这样做是不科学的,因为有些中药加糖以后,将会降低药物的疗效、改变药.
Dr Huw Jenkins contributed sever- 2.5 – Lancet 1997 , 349 : 472–473 . al slides for the paediatric chapter . Many authors from all over 4.2 , 4.3 – Acta Endoscopica 1991 , 21 : 219–231 . the world have lent us slides or given us ...
Gut Reactions: How to Handle Stress and Your Stomach
Neoplasms of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus
Cancer of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus
New edition publishing December 2005.Analyses the causes of common symptoms and complaintssuch as abdominal Pain, vomiting and diarrheaand provides an approach to their evaluation.Reviews specific diseases in detail, including complicating...
This pocket-sized reference is for clinicians who manage patients with dysphagia. Speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physicians, clinical dieticians, nurses, and pharmacists will find this book to be a helpful, handy...