Viruses are the smallest of organisms, yet given that they account for at least a third of presentations in the doctors clinic, they must be well understood by medical students and practitioners alike. Collier and Oxford's Human Virology presents this complex and rapidly evolving subject withnotable clarity and topicality. The first part of the text deals with the general principles of virology, including the properties of viruses, replication and genetics, along with disease and resistance. This is followed by chapters dedicated to specific groups of viruses, then special syndromes associated with susceptiblegroups. The final part of the book is reserved for practical aspects of virology, including diagnosis, control measures and anti-viral therapies. The authors intent is not to turn their readers into virologists, but rather to provide them with enough knowledge of the nature of viruses and viral infections to serve as an essential foundation for clinical involvement with the subject. By providing a concise but comprehensive account of thefascinating subject of virology, this text is ideal for students of medecine, dentistry, microbiology, nursing and the biological sciences. This latest edition has been extensively updated and incorporates many new diagrams, accompanied by the introduction of full colour presentation. The importance of viruses has demanded a fresh appreciation in recent years, providing opportunity for this edition to include coverage of: - The emergence of SARS - Latest research in the study of prion diseases - An exploration of the debate regarding MMR versus single vaccination - Progress in the study and treatment of HIV/AIDS - Recent advances in diagnostic virology and antiviral therapy - Greater emphasis on the antiviral precautions required of healthcare professionals
Labs Giemsa - stained smear from penile and inguinal regions demonstrates characteristic “ closed safety pin " appearance of encapsulated organisms within a large histiocyte ( DONOVAN BODIES ) . Characteristic histologic picture of ...
Based on limited studies with mule deer ( Pearson 1969 ) , buffalo ( Pearson 1967 ) , elk ( McBee et al . 1969 ) , reindeer ( Dehority 1975 , Orpin et al . 1985 ) , and camel ( Hungate et al . 1959 ) , wild ruminants appear to harbor ...
Would you like to bring guest lectures like researchers, physicians, or fellow instructors into you microbiology course? With this 3rd edition of INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY you get the perspective of all three professionals.
Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg: microbiología médica (25a. ed.).
Medical Microbiology, Annotated Edition: Yi Xue Wei Sheng Wu Xue, Gai Bian Jiao Xue Ban
Tıbbi mikrobiyoloji
Witton's Microbiology
Microbiología médica de Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg
The 20th edition features improved illustrations, an expanded section in immunology and a new chapter with case studies.
Microbiología médica de Jawetz, Melnick y Adelberg