Includes entries for more than two thousand composers of all nationalities and eras, and includes definitions of musical terms and forms, and descriptions of musical instruments.
• Entries include etymologies, and are fully cross-referenced • Some terms are illustrated with music examples or tables • Index of composers, with dates • Covers all the terms required in the SMAB musical theory exams.
Opera in four acts by Rimsky-Korsakov to a libretto by Il'ya Tyumenev based on a scenario by the composer after Lev Aleksandrovich Mey's play (1849) (Moscow, 1899). Turandot. 1. ... Turco in Italia, Il ('The Turk in Italy').
Derived from the classic Oxford Dictionary of Music, this is the most authoritative dictionary of music available in paperback. It is a rich mine of information for lovers of music...
Noted lexicographer Thomsett here dissects more than 1,400 terms, a buttula to zither, with clarity and precision; 383 high quality original illustrations render concepts that make verbal explanation difficult.
The first spelling , he needed to be ” ( Forbes ) . which is more common , is preferred beDoubt whether is used primarily in cause it retains the name of the main affirmative statements ( again , though , ingredient ( though on this ...
This title includes the following features: Open University Set Book
She was one of the first pupils to join Isadora's Griinewald school and made her debut at the Berlin Kroll Opera in 1905. She toured with the children's group, then in 1911 became a teacher at the Elizabeth Duncan school (run by ...
Essential Dictionary of Music Notation (Pocket Size Book)
Contains nearly 1000 pages of precise and accessible information on all musical subjects.
Fully revised and updated for the 3rd edition, the dictionary includes a wealth of new material in areas such as international relations, political science, political economy, and methodologies, as well as a chronology of key political ...