In a recent review of the Oxford English Dictionary on CD-ROM, Library Journal called the accompanying booklet, a brief guide to the OED, a "work of art." Now, this work of art has been expanded and enhanced to a full-length book, A Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary. Here Donna Lee Berg has provided a fascinating source of general information about the OED as well as a detailed account of the conventions and organization of the dictionary text, specially designed to enhance the reader's enjoyment and understanding of this incomparable work. This lively volume is the first to provide an in-depth account of the structure of the OED: it gives an analysis of the components of a typical entry, and covers special entries, such as acronyms, abbreviations, and proper names. In addition, a fascinating A-Z companion section covers grammatical terms, languages, the history of the Dictionary, the individuals who have shaped it, and a host of other topics. Also included are a bibliography, a chronology of the OED, and a listing of key facts and figures about the Dictionary. The Guide will be an invaluable handbook for everyone who relies on the OED, a roadmap to the greatest dictionary ever compiled.
Today this book is not only the most time-tested and bestselling thesaurus ever, but, newly revised, it is also the most up-to-date and comprehensive reflection of the English language as it is currently used.
Provides information on grammar, punctuation, usage, and the history of the English language, and explains the origin of phrases, idioms, and slang
Klippel - Trenaunay - Weber Syndrome ( KTW )先天性靜脈畸形骨肥大綜合症表徵 knowledge structure 知識結構 Knox Cube Test 諾克斯方塊模仿測驗 KR20 (統計學)庫李 20 號公式 KR21 (統計學)庫李 21 號公式 Krabbe's disease 克拉培氏病一種在胚胎發育 ...
For a more detailed presentation , see Maur Standaert , ' Le principe de l'ordination dans la théologie spirituelle de Saint Bernard ' , Coll 8 ( 1946 ) 178–216 : ' ordination par consentement ' , 197–205 . 118 Gra 4.11 ; SBOp 3 : 173 .
KNHT Knight Air Ltd. ( Canada ) ( ICAO designator ) ( FAAC ) ..... KNA Knight - Errant ( ABBR ) . ... KNGTHD Knightly ( ABBR ) KNGTLY Knightway Air Charter Ltd. ( British ) ( ICAO designator ) ... KYN ve L By Meaning .
Defines and provides quotations that illustrate the use of words related to writing, editing, and publishing
This new dictionary packs an extraordinary amount of information into a handy book that is practical, dependable, affordable, and easy to read. Based on the groundbreaking flagship dictionary of Oxford's...
A national bestseller, The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy has been widely acclaimed for identifying and defining the core body of knowledge that no literate American should be without. Now in...
本書共收錄國字一三九六一字,其字形是以教育部所頒訂的標準字體為準據。在注音方面,凡傳統音與教育部一字多音審訂表不同者,均設說明欄詳加敘述。書中亦針對每個字頭,寫印小篆,註明六書,剖析字形,詳述字義衍變。對於難僻字、成語典故,均詳加解釋,並引原文供參考。同時針對義近字詞,詳細辨析其意義和用法上的異同。除「字首詞」外,並列有「字尾詞」、「衍生詞」。為了擴大語言學習面,特補充廣東話和普通話互相對照。本書主題: 除提供讀者有關字形、字音、字義上的解釋外,其「解形」部分,更開闊了對中國文字的視野。書中的補充資料,也對提升國語文能力有莫大的幫助。
This resource identifies the meanings of abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms for: -musical terms -monograph and serial titles -academic degrees in music -record labels -music software and computer programs -international, national,...