Public Law

Public Law
Public Law
Oxford University Press, USA
Richard Clements


If you're feeling overwhelmed by a sea of revision, let OUP's Questions and Answers series keep you afloat! Written by experienced examiners, the Q&As offer expert advice on what to expect from your exam, how best to prepare, and guidance on what examiners are really looking for. Revision isn't always plain sailing, but the Q&As will allow you to approach your exams with confidence. Q&As will help you succeed by: - identifying typical law exam questions - giving you model answers for up to 50 essay and problem-based questions - demonstrating how to structure a good answer - helping you to avoid common mistakes - advising you on how to make your answer stand out from the crowd - teaching you how to use your existing knowledge to convey exactly what the examiner is looking for - directing you to related further reading

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