When humanity first glimpsed planet Earth from space, the unity of the system that supports humankind entered the popular consciousness. The concept of the Earth's atmosphere, biosphere, oceans, soil, and rocks operating as a closely interacting system has rapidly gained ground in science. This new field, involving geographers, geologists, biologists, oceanographers, and atmospheric physicists, is known as Earth System Science. In this Very Short Introduction, Tim Lenton considers how a world in which humans could evolve was created; how, as a species, we are now reshaping that world; and what a sustainable future for humanity within the Earth System might look like. Drawing on elements of geology, biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics, Lenton asks whether Earth System Science can help guide us onto a sustainable course before we alter the Earth system to the point where we destroy ourselves and our current civilisation. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
This work provides an in-depth perspective and update on special topics in Global Environmental Change in relation to Human Security.
Earthquake Magnitude and the Richter Scale A method that uses wave amplitude to measure earthquake energy was devised in 1934 by the late Charles Richter , then a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology .
Explaining the what, the how and the why of climate science, this multidisciplinary new book provides a review of research from the last decade, illustrated with cutting-edge data and observations.
Covers aspects of acid rain, atmosphere, climate and climatic change, biodiversity, ecology and ecosystems, mass balance, environmental impact, hydrology, erosion, biogeochemical cycle, photosynthesis, palentology, remote sensing and GIS, and vegetation...
There are many photos and figures in the text to develop a strong understanding of the material presented. This along with the new media for instructors makes this a strong text for any earth systems science course.
A unique introduction to the holistic view of the Earth. Stresses the systems approach, showing the energy flows and links between the Earth's different parts—the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and the...
This book presents the complete story of the inseparably intertwined evolution of life and matter on earth, focussing on four major topics.
Ecol Appl 12:1261–1266 Nouchi I, Mariko S, Aoki K (1990) Mechanism of methane transport from the rhizosphere to the ... Nature 418:770–774 Pielke RA, Lee TJ, Copeland JH, Eastman JL, Ziegler CL, Finley CA (1997) Use of USGS-provided ...
This volume includes revised versions of most of the presentations made at the International Conference «Understanding the Earth Sys tem: Compartments, Processes and Interactions" held on November 24-26, 1999 in Bonn.
In some cases, analyses of the same data by different groups have led to different interpretations. Even the red (6300 A) and green (5577 A) lines in the aurora, which have been scientifically studied for decades, are not fully ...