"The amount and reach of European law, and decision-making in the field of intellectual property has grown exponentially since the 1960's, making it increasingly difficult to treat European law as an adjunct to domestic intellectual property regimes. European Intellectual Property Law responds to this reality by presenting a clear and detailed account of each of the main areas of substantive EU intellectual property law, situated in the context of both the EU legal system and international IP law, including EU constitutional law, the law of the European Patent Convention 1973/2000, and private international law. It draws selectively on examples from domestic IP regimes to illustrate substantive differences between those regimes and to demonstrate the impact of European law, and decision-making on EU Member States."--Publisher description.
This fully updated book offers a compact and accessible account of EU intellectual property law and policy.
This collection by some of the leading scholars in European IP manages to capture that complexity without sacrificing clarity.
QC Leisure Karen Murphy v. Media Protection Services Ltd [2011] ECR I-9083 [137]–[146]. 193 Joined Cases C-403/08 and C-429/08, Football Association Premier League Ltd v. QC Leisure Karen Murphy v. Media Protection Services Ltd [2011] ...
This book makes an attempt to explain the basics of intellectual property law with references to the European and the important international treaties.
This detailed book is designed for all courses on European intellectual property, whether basic or advanced, as well as for practitioners looking for a comprehensive and concise overview on the structure and content of European IP law.
Intellectual Property Law
This volume aims to offer the reader a rapid understanding of some of these European or international texts which deal with some general and jurisdictional issues and are very important from a practical point of view.
This volume thoroughly covers and systematically displays the three main areas of intellectual property law - patents, trade marks and copyright - without leaving other rights of the intellectual property family aside, as it also explores ...
The contributors to this volume investigate if and to what extent European rules and principles applicable to all intellectual property rights already exist or whether they can be found on the basis of the acquis communautaire and ...
It encompasses: (1) goods which are subject to a customs declaration;19 and 16 Council Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 concerning customs enforcement of intellectual property ...