Now in its seventh edition, this contributed textbook introduces students to the history, theory, structures, and key issues in international relations. Fully updated and revised in light of recent developments in world politics, new chapters on feminism, race, international organizations,and NGOs ensure the text continues to cover topics that define the issues today and for the next generation.
This title provides an introduction to international relations (IR), supporting over 300,000 students taking their first steps in IR and beyond.
For Beitz and Moellendorf, John Rawls's substantive account of justice can provide the criteria for justice globally (see Box 13.5). Rawls rejected the possibility of global distributive justice modelled on his theory.
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations By John Baylis
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
The Globalization of World Politics: Case Studies from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific
In this volume, leading scholars from a variety of disciplines examine how the forces of religious pluralism and globalization are playing out on the world stage.
A new chapter by Andrew Hurrell on rising powers and the emerging global order ensures the text continues to cover topics that will be defining the issues now and for the next generation.
Costing such an issue must inevitably be somewhat sketchy but the 2006 'Stern Review', compiled by a British economist on behalf of the UK government, calculated the cost of non-action on climate change as amounting to at the very least ...
... fact that “many workingand middle-class voters, who feel left behind by globalization, are far angrier than establishment leaders realized” (Frankel 2016). Yet, a closer look at data called into question the Introduction 3.
Globalization and International Political Economy examines processes of globalizing capitalism and the complex politics that are emerging from it--processes and struggles that will determine the shape of our world in the twenty-first ...