Providing an invaluable reference for immigration practitioners, this book builds on the proven success of previous editions to offer the most up-to-date coverage of recent immigration legislation written by experts practicing in the field.
The thrilling sequel to "The Jake Colbert Testimony" and the second book in the Curtis Creek Series, "The Marie Porter Essay" will keep you guessing right up to the last page.
" --"Publisher's Weekly" ""Second Contact" is one of those books you keep telling yourself you'll only read a portion of at a time, and then finish in a single sitting.
Barbara Artz Susan Brandt John Bulger Joe Carroll Marisa Carroll Mary Ann Carroll Edward Christensen Dan Dease Karen Eckert Sally Gober Bill Greer John Hogan Stella Jarina Krissa Jensen Bill Johnson Neal Johnson James Krampen Harvey ...
Fundamentals of International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Income and Foreign Taxpayers
Bittker and Lokken's Fundamentals of International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Income and Foreign Taxpayers. Study problems
Bittker and Lokken's Fundamentals of International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Income and Foreign Taxpayers. Instructor's manual
Fundamentals of International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Income and Foreign Taxpayers
Fundamentals of International Taxation
Canadian Companion to 1040 Preparation and Planning Guide
Smith, Anthony D. (1991) "The Nation: Invented, Imagined, Reconstructed?', Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 20 (2), 353-68. Smith, David (1977) Racial Disadvantage in Britain: The PEP Report, Harmondsworth: Penguin.