This primer provides an introduction to the ideas of modern conservation biology, and the issues that constrain us from achieving sustainability.Opening with a consideration of ecology and conservation as a science, and the notion of different processes happening at different scales, the primer goes on to discuss the importance of populations and life histories. It also emphasises interactions between different species, a key area ofunderstanding for getting to grips with ecology. With a step up in scale, it then introduces the idea of ecosystem services, and the dependence of human life and well-being on these services. The long history of the impact of humans on the landscape leads to a discussion of myths such as the"balance of nature" and "pristine environments". These concepts are crucial to understanding modern ideas of the right way to conserve our world.Using the South Sinai in Egypt as a case study throughout, the primer explores explore the issues of how indigenous people can maintain their traditions in the modern world, and the relationship between their traditions and biodiversity. These form the key to understanding how humans can livesustainably with the natural world.
... Stewart Udall , and New Frontier Conservation , ” Pacific Historical Review , 1995 ; Udall , Stewart Lee , “ Human Values and Hometown Snapshots : Early Days in St. Johns , " American West , 1982 ; Udall , Stewart Lee , and Jack ...
This is the second edition of What Works in Conservation, which is revised on an annual basis. It will also available online as a free-to-download PDF at
This volume combines theory with applied and basic research to explain the connections between conservation biology and environmental economics, ethics, law, and the social sciences.
Provides up-to-date coverage of Conservation Biology, including sustainable development, global warming, and strategies to save species on the verge of extinction.
Ecology: nature's delicate balance: Students learn what environmental organizations are doing to protect Earth's plant and animal life.
This is an easy-to-use field guide to identifying the 80 reptile species currently known to occur in the Murray catchment area of New South Wales.
Cram101 Textbook Outlines to Accompany: Essentials of Conservation Biology, Primack, 3rd Edition
This book examines what will happen to global invasive species, including plants, animals and pathogens with current and expected man-made climate change.
This text introduces the key elements of the dynamic, multidisciplinary field of conservation biology, covering such issues as sustainable development, global warming and strategies to save species on the verge of extinction.
This is a book well suited for a wide range of undergraduate courses, as both a primary text for conservation biology courses and a supplement for ecological and environmental science courses.