The essential guide to EU competition law for students in one volume; extracts from key cases, academic works, and legislation are paired with incisive critique and commentary from an expert author team. In this fast-paced subject area, the authors carefully highlight the most important cases, legislation, and developments to allow students to navigate the breadth of legislation and case law. With their clear explanations and commentary, the authors provide invaluable support to students as they approach this complex and highly technical area of law. Extracts provide opportunities for students to understand the law in practice, and to see its relevance to business. Indispensable for undergraduate and postgraduate students alike, this is the standalone guide to the competition law of the EU. Online resources: The text is accompanied by online resources containing: -An additional chapter on State Aid -Web links -Updates in the law
European Competition Law: A Case Commentary explains EU competition law by presenting the relevant legal provisions together with carefully selected case extracts pertaining to those provisions.
This handbook offers detailed descriptions of EU competition law, including mergers and public authorities.
In this book, the first comprehensive, unifying view of market definition, Miguel Ferro adeptly explores the different economic-legal issues that arise in EU competition law.
This fascinating new book dissects, from a Competition law perspective, how Research and Development collaborations operate under both US and EU antitrust law.
By harmonizing a number of procedural rules, the Damages Directive aimed to establish a level playing field among EU Member States. This timely book represents the first assessment of the implementation of the Damages Directive.
This new Sixth Edition of a major work by the well-known competition law team at Van Bael & Bellis in Brussels brings the book up to date to take account of the many developments in the case law and relevant legislation that have occurred ...
Based on a unique and comprehensive database, The Shaping of EU Competition Law combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to shed light on the evolution of EU competition law.
The present volume, developed in partnership with the College of Europe’s Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), provides coherent, practical, and authoritative commentaries by leading experts from the GCLC’s incomparable network.
This book is the fourth edition of a highly practical guide to the leading cases in European Competition Law.
In its 2014 Communication on the results of ten years of enforcement of Regulation 1/2003, the Commission ... In the electronic communications sector we have seen that after a number of successful margin squeeze cases in recent years ...