A clear and thorough text, which provides a solid foundation in the core mathematical principles and methods used in economics.
Ensure students grasp the relevance of econometrics with Introduction to Econometrics -- the text that connects modern theory and practice with motivating, engaging applications.
From Dornbusch to Murphy: Stylized Monetary Dynamics of a Contemporary Macroeconometric Model
Cross-correlated Random Regression Coefficients: A Refinement and Some Supporting Evidence
Delusions of Dominance: A Critique of the Theory of Large-scale Industrial Dominance and of the Pretence of Government to "restructure"...
For courses in Applied Econometrics, Political Methodology, and Sociological Methods or a one-year graduate course in Econometrics for social scientists. This text introduces applied econometrics, and presents the theoretical background.
Indispensable à tous les étudiants en économétrie, quel que soit leur niveau, l'ouvrage de William Greene est La référence en la matière.
本教材是专为本科高年级和研究生低年级学生学习经济计量学所设计的一本初中级教材。该书列入“当代经济学系列丛书.当代经济学教学参考书系”, ...
MBA 专业精品教材。
This book provides an introduction to the field of microeconometrics through the use of R. The focus is on applying current learning from the field to real world problems.