The Business of Liberty: Freedom and Information in Ethics, Politics, and Law

The Business of Liberty: Freedom and Information in Ethics, Politics, and Law
Business & Economics
Oxford University Press
Boudewijn de Bruin


Two key arguments for the value of freedom are that freedom contributes to desire satisfaction and to personal responsibility. But what if we do not know about our freedoms? Or if we do not acknowledge each other's freedoms? This book shows that what is really of value are the ideals of known freedom and acknowledged freedom. The book demonstrates the importance of these two ideals in many contexts, including neuromarketing, skilled work, discrimination, education, environments with stereotype threats, informed consent, consumer protection, socially responsible investing, climate-related financial disclosure, law, professional oaths, freedom of speech, and privacy. To argue that known freedom is crucial to satisfy our desires and assume responsibility, the book combines work in psychology on choice with work in philosophy on the value of knowledge. It is shown that known freedom is compromised when salespeople deploy consumer obfuscation or when news shows use contextual framing techniques to steer the way their audiences will process the information. And it is shown how carefully developed consumer protection and information disclosure regulation can foster known freedom. Using insights from economics and ethics, the book argues that acknowledged freedom offers protection to our freedoms. It makes our freedoms more stable. Acknowledged freedom embodies an ideal of mutual recognition that underlies informed consent and the ethics of communication, and can also contribute to a flourishing corporate culture. Most books discuss either freedom or knowledge. This unique book shows that when we think about the value of freedom, we should think about the value of knowledge too.

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