This global study provides a definitive reference guide to the key choice of law principles on international contracts, including 60 national and regional reports written by experts from all parts of the world, and a dedicated commentary on the Hague Principles as applied to international commercial arbitration.
This book offers in-depth analysis of the foundations of, and justifications for, application of the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts as the governing law to be recognized by arbitral tribunals and domestic courts.
International commercial contracts in the context of increasing globalization of the national markets have posed some of the most difficult questions of the legal theory as developed since the emergence of nation states; those are, whether ...
330 (2011); Donald Francis Donovan, Provisional Measures in the ICJ and ICSID: Further Dialogue and Development, in CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION: THE FORDHAM PAPERS 2012, ...
Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contrats
This collection of essays demonstrates that this assumption is not fully applicable under systems of civil law, because these systems are based on principles, such as good faith and loyalty, which contradict this approach.
Articolo 2.1.2 (Definizione dell'offerta) Una proposta di concludere un contratto costituisce offerta se รจ sufficientemente precisa e se indica l'intenzione del proponente di obbligarsi in caso di accettazione.
To answer this question this book examines first what non-state rules are and how their legal authority can be measured, it then analyses how non-state rules are applied in different scenarios, including as the applicable law, as a source ...
The book verifies the impact of national law and transnational rules on international contracts, particularly those with an arbitration clause.
The Guide offers an overview of the uniform law instruments in the area of international commercial contracts. Chapters I and II provide information on the origin and purpose, scope and approach, and intended readership of the Guide.
Tacit Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts - A Global Comparative Study