This book offers a major new analysis of how peace and security can be maintained in Europe and provides a radical vision of a technology-enabling future European defence. It weaves history, strategy, policy, and technology into a compelling analytical narrative and lays out the scale of the challenge Europeans and their allies face.
This title offers a major new analysis of how peace and security can be maintained in Europe and provides a radical vision of a technology-enabling future European defence.
14 Dave Johnson , ' Nuclear Weapons in Russia's Approach to Conflict , Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique , 28 November 2016 , < / 2016 / 201606.pdf > ...
This book argues that security and defense have never been true priorities in the European Union, and have constantly been marginalized by the elites since the Soviet Union collapsed and the Warsaw Pact disintegrated.
At the EU's Helsinki summit in 1999, European leaders took a decisive step toward the development of a new Common European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) aimed at giving the EU a stronger role in international affairs backed by a ...
Armée de l'air: la fiotte française en partie clouée au sol ». Libération. Accessed June 23, 2018, from l-air-la-fiotte-francaise-en-partie-clouee-au-sol_1333006 Juncos, A. E., ...
This latest edition of a classic work looks at how developments inside NATO and European Union member states affect their ability to defend against external threats while preserving Western values, in the era of Trump and Brexit.
Takes on the question of how NATO, having successfully kept the peace in Europe in the twentieth century, can adapt to the challenges of the twenty-first.
Former deputy commander of NATO General Sir Richard Shirreff speaks out about this very real peril in this call to arms, a novel that is a barely disguised version of the truth.
In The Future of Land Warfare, Michael O'Hanlon offers an analysis of the future of the world's ground forces: Where are large-scale conflicts or other catastrophes most plausible?
This book argues that Europe, through the European Union (EU), should act as a great power in the 21st century.