This volume presents fifteen chapters focusing on different aspects of the work of Tony Harrison, showing how his adaptations and translations explored themes of language, class, access to art, and the causes and effects of war.
Tembel entel: çok okuyan mı bilir yoksa bu kitabı okuyan mı?
Climbing Parnassus: A New Apologia for Greek and Latin
The book is written in a colloquial, engaging style, with several anecdotes, diagrams and charts. This book is especially recommended to parents just beginning their examination of classical education.
How can you give your children the tools they need to teach themselves?
In this book, education expert and author Leigh A. bortins incorporates the best ideas from the ancients and gives parents the tools to revive classical learning.
Chronological history of the modern age, from 1850 to 2000.
... ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas aujourd'hui . Le modèle familial est cependant très important , si on ne veut pas qu'il y ait un divorce total entre la famille et l'école , la transmission des habitudes et des codes de civilité et ...
Educational Ideologies
Bref, c'est toute la société québécoise -- de ses secteurs les plus réactionnaires jusqu'à ses plus progressistes -- qui s'est sentie concernée, quand il s'est agi de repenser l'école.