Broad patterns in household demand and saving are identified using national accounts data for seventeen countries which span the development spectrum; per capita GNP is used as a classification index.
Using data from several countries, including Cote d'Ivoire, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Thailand, this book analyzes household survey data from developing countries and illustrates how such data can be used to cast light on a range of ...
International comparisons of expenditure patterns. European Economic Review 6(3): 275–303. Lluch, C., A.A. Powell, R.A. Williams, and R.R. Betancourt. 1977. Patterns in household demand and saving. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
For this Handbook authors known to have different views regarding the nature of development economics have been selected. The Handbook is organised around the implications of different sets of assumptions...
ASEAN-Australia Economic Papers
Trade adjustment policies and income distribution in three archetype developing economies. Journal of Development Economics 10(1):67–92. Denison, Edward F. 1967. Why growth rates differ. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution.
This classic work remains relevant to anyone with a serious interest in using household survey data to shed light on policy issues.
An Evaluation of Alternative Demand Systems by Means of Implied Income Elasticities . " Economics Letters 15 : 21-7 . 21. Houthakker , H.S. ( 1957 ) . " An International Comparison of Household Expenditure Patterns , Commemorating the ...
Consumption, Pricing and Legalisation Kenneth W. Clements, Xueyan Zhao ... “An international comparison of household expenditure patterns, commemorating the centenary of Engel's Law. ... Patterns in household demand and saving.
'A Cross-Country Analysis of Consumption Patterns,' Chapter 7 in H. Theil (ed.) ... Models and Projections of Demand in Post-War Britain. London: Chapman and Hall. Gamaletsos, T. (1973). ... Patterns in Household Demand and Saving.
For men, social acceptance of sex outside marriage, economic uncertainty facing new entrants to the labor force, and the knowledge that their chances for ... It is not clear whether becoming a parent is also “falling out of fashion.