Relates violent conflict through the 19th and 20th centuries in the region of Ethiopia and Eritrea and the Sudanese and Somali frontiers to ethnic, political, and religious conflict and the violent state- and empire-building processes which have defined the region.
Richard Reid offers an historical analysis of violent conflict in northeast Africa through the 19th and 20th centuries incorporating the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands and their escarpment and lowland peripheries, stretching between the ...
This book examines the role of war in shaping the African state, society, and economy by tracing shifts in the culture and practice of war.
... 108 Matswa, Andre 231 Mau Mau revolt 206, 207, 246, 269, 280, 282–5 Mauritania 95, 309, 329, 332, 359 Mawlai Sulaiman 88 Mazrui rebellion 160 Mbeki, Thabo 349 Mbeni dance societies 226 medicine see under health Mediterranean Sea 82, ...
... Deng, March 2013, Kuajok, South Sudan; Rolandsen, “Making of the Anya-Nya.” 78. Interview with Dodol Nyang, April 2013 ... The Man Called Deng Majok: A Biography of Power, Polygyny and Change. New Haven and London: Yale University Press ...
... violence, and/or interaction. Yet, given this role as 'meeting place', it may hardly be surprising that some frontiers ... North-East Africa: Genealogies of conflict since c.1800 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 9–23. 55 Ralph W ...
A comprehensive history of Uganda, examining its political, economic and social development from its precolonial origins to the present day.
City Politics: A Study of Leopoldville, 1962–63, J.S. LA FONTAINE Studies in Rural Capitalism in West Africa, ... B. G. MARTIN Warfare in the Sokoto Caliphate: Historical and Sociological Perspectives, JOSEPH P. SMALDONE Liberia and ...
... Africa's protracted crises, special issue Afrika Focus, 21/2, pp. 39–52. Reed, O. L. (2004). What is 'property'? in: American Business Law Journal, 41/4, pp. 459–501. Reid, R. J. (2011). Frontiers of violence in North-East Africa ...
GOODFELLOW, Professor of Urban Studies and International Development Tom Goodfellow ... in Africa have been extensively explored by Herbst(2000)andCooper(2002),withvaryingemphasesonprecolonial,colonial, and postcolonial heritage.
Evans—Pritchard's famous study of Nuer political organisation was prefaced with an account of the challenges he ... 2° Sharon Hutchinson, Nuer Dilemmas: coping with money, war and the state (Berkeley, CA, 1996); Andrew NM Mawson, ...