Land Law: Directions

Land Law: Directions
Land Law
Land tenure
Oxford University Press, USA
Sandra Clarke, Sarah Greer


Land Law is written in an informal and lively manner with an emphasis on explaining the key topics covered on land law courses with clarity. This color text is packed with features, diagrams, and photographs for a truly contemporary and student-centered approach. The range of features such as thinking points, example boxes, chapter summaries and end of chapter questions are designed to engage and reinforce knowledge. Photographs provide immediate and tangible illustration of concepts, rooting the discussion of topics in the context of the real world. The final chapter 'Completing the Puzzle' fosters an integrated understanding of land law by tying all topics together and demonstrating how concepts apply in practice. The book is fully up to date and includes recent legislation and cases such as Stack v Dowden 2007 Online Resource Center: -The book is accompanied by an innovative online resource centre offering several resources to support teaching and learning. Lecturers can track student progress using an online bank of 150 multiple choice questions offering immediate answers and feedback that can be customized and loaded on to the university's VLE. -More advanced material and weblinks allow students to take their learning further and increase the depth and breadth of their knowledge. -Updates ensure students are up to date with the latest cases and developments in land law. -Diagrams and photographs are available to download and use in lectures.

Other editions

  • Land Law
    • 2020
    • 672 pages
    • Paperback
    • Oxford University Press, USA
  • Land Law
    • 2015-01-15
    • 288 pages
    • Paperback
    • Oxford University Press, USA
  • Land Law
    • 2009
    • 599 pages
    • Paperback
    • Oxford University Press, USA
  • Land Law
    • 2007
    • 565 pages
    • Paperback
    • Oxford University Press, USA

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