The mental health of young people is very much a growth area, which, as its importance is increasingly recognised, has attracted a health service commitment to provision of a much needed expansion of services. This has resulted in greatly improved services in many areas, and significant increases in staff numbers, including Doctors, Psychologists and Specialist Nurses. In addition, increased recognition of various mental health problems in young peoplesuch as depression/self harm and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders has meant that there is a need for an increase in the understanding of these disorders in related fields such as paediatrics, general practice and emergency medicine. In order to provide an ongoing high standard ofcare in a contemporary and fast-moving health service, this handbook provides an authoratitive and comprehensive but also rapidly accessible text in this growing speciality.
An authoritative, user-friendly reference for professionals who treat or counsel children and adolescent patients taking psychotropic medication, this guide focuses on medicinal treatment options and their impact on patients with ADHD, ...
Psychopharmacolgy Child Adol
Gustav Klimt (1862-1918): Arrested Adolescent Development in a Revolutionary Artist
... Chicago : men- Gurin , G .: mental health , 182-183 tal health research study , 176-177 , 189-253 Germany , student rebellion in , 16-17 , Hall , D. S .: parental resistance behavior , 29 487 , 493 Giarman , N.J. , 77 , 78 Hall ...
8 BEING MIXED RACE1 Dinah Morley I am one of many mixed race people who I feel are the forgotten ones. ... mixed race and am happy with that because I don't care if other people mistake me for being white and expect me to say I'm white.
Written by 88 distinguished experts, each chapter in this informative work presents a summary of a core topic, blending clinical experience with evidence-based practices in assessment and treatment.
Textbook of Adolescent Psychopathology and Treatment By ADRIAN D. COPELAND , M.S. , M.D. Clinical Associate Professor Chief of Adolescent Psychiatric Services Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Thomas Jefferson University ...
Leerboek kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie
The first child guidance clinic in the UK , and indeed in Europe , was founded in the East End of London by the Jewish ... By the end of the 1960s most child psychiatrists in the UK were employed by the NHS and were working in child ...
Los niños y los adolescentes, a diferencia de los adultos, pocas veces solicitan la ayuda de un psiquiatra. Son los padres quienes les llevan a la consulta y, a través de ellos, se establece la relación psiquiatra-paciente-familia.