The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography

The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography
Business & Economics
Oxford University Press
Gordon L. Clark, Meric S. Gertler, Maryann P. Feldman


1 Economic Geography: Transition and Growth Gordon L Clark and Maryann Feldmann and Meric Gertler 2 Economic Geography: The Great Half Century Allen Scott Part I Conceptual Perspectives Section 1 Mapping the Territory 3 Where in the World is the 'New Economic Geography'? Paul Krugman 4 Doing Regulation Jamie Peck Section 2 Analytical Frameworks 5 The New Economics of Urban and Regional Growth Ed Glaeser 6 Geography or Economics? Conceptions of Space, Time, Interdependence, and Agency Eric Sheppard Part II Global Economic Integration Section 3 Investment and Trade 7 The Geography of International Investment Tony Venables and Howard Shatz 8 Globalization, Localization, and Trade Michael Storpor Section 4 Development and Underdevelopment 9 Geography and Economic Development John Gallup and Andrew Mellinger and Jeffrey Sachs 10 The Great Tablecloth: Bread and Butter Politics and the Political Economy of Food and Poverty Michael Watts Section 5 Finance Capital 11 The Regulation of International Finance Risto Laulajainen 12 Finance and Localities Adam Tickell Part III Corporate Structure, Strategy, and Location Section 6 Competition, Location, and Strategy 13 Locations, Clusters, and Company Strategy Michael Porter 14 Places and Flows: Situating International Investment Peter Dicken 15 The Globalization of Retail Capital: Themes for Economic Geography Neil Wrigley Section 7 Remaking the Corporation 16 The Management of Time and Space Erica Schoenberger 17 Corporate Form and Spatial Form David B. Audretsch Part IV The Geography of Innovation Section 8 National and Localized Learning 18 National States and Economic Development: from National Systems of Production to National Systems of Knowledge Creation and Learning Bengt-Ake Lundvall and Peter Maskell 19 Location and Innovation: The New Economic Geography of Innovation, Spillover, and Agglomeration Maryann Feldman 20 Restructuring and Innovation in Long Term Regional Change Cristiano Antonelli Section 9 Districts and Regional Innovation Systems 21 Industrial Districts: The Contributions of Marshall and Beyond Bjorn Asheim 22 Innovation Networks, Regions, and Globalization Beat Hotz-Hart Part V Localities and Difference Section 10 Labour and Locality 23 Local Labour Markets: Their Nature, Performance, and Regulation Ron Martin 24 Firms, Workers, and the Geographic Concentration of Economic Activity Gordon Hanson Section 11 Gender, Race, and Place 25 Feminists Rethink the Economic: The Economics of Gender/the Gender of Economics Linda McDowelll 26 Racial and Economic Segregation in US Metropolitan Areas John Kain Section 12 Communities, Politics, and Power 27 Elite Power, Global Forces, and the Political Economy of Global Development Eric Swyngedouw 28 Economic Geography in Practice: Local Economic Development Policy Amy Glasmeier Part VI Global Transformations Section 13 Environment and Regulation 29 Markets and Environmental Quality R. Kerry Turner 30 Environmental Innovation and Regulation David Angel Section 14 Trade and Investment Blocs 31 Spontaneous Integration in Japan and East Asia: Development Crisis and Beyond Tetsuo Abo 32 Regional Economic Integration in North America John Holmes 33 The EU as more than a Triad Market for National Economic Spaces Ash Amin Part VII Coda 34 Pandora's Box? Cultural Geographies of Economies Nigel Thrift.

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