This book offers students a firm understanding of the central doctrines and the controversies associated with them. Presenting a unique balance of 1/3 text to 2/3 cases and materials, the book can be used both as a stand alone text or as a companion volume to a textbook. Comprehensive coverage is presented in a logical structure that maps closely onto courses and stimulating commentary is delivered through detailed introductions, extract notes and extensive comments within each chapter. Extended extracts illustrate points clearly and promote the essential skills ofcase-reading, encouraging more detailed analysis of salient points, while analysis of key academic commentaries on issues of controversy, contract clauses etc is also included to provide a well-rounded discussion. Extracts from materials such as the Principles of European Contract Law and the UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts are incorporated throughout to provide a useful point of comparison with English Law - encouraging critical reflection upon the state of the English system andillustrating how the law of contract is regarded in other jurisdictions. Specimen clauses are also cited to demonstrate some of the practical problems that confront both businessmen and lawyers, offering students working examples of complex issues. Questions are placed at key points throughout thetext to encourage further consideration and reflection of complex or controversial issues, while extensive referencing promotes further research. Written in a familiar and engaging style, this book offers a thought-provoking and well-balanced argument aimed squarely at undergraduates. Online Resource Centre: DT Critical summaries DT Web-links DT Extra cases and materials DT Recent updates Test bank: DT 150 multiple choice questions with answers and feedback
Contemporary cases which continue to shape contract law have been included in this new edition, while historically important cases have been retained to ensure students have a full picture of the law of contract as it stands today.
Contract Law: Principles, Cases and Legislation
Contract Law: Principles, Cases and Legislation
R. 655 ; Doe, d. Fisher v. Giles, 5 Bing. R. 421. • Doe, d. Fisher v. Giles, 5 Bing. R. 421 ; Doe, d. Garrod v. Olley, 12 Adolph. &EU.R.481. 6 Keech v. Hall, 1 Doug. R. 22. 7 Thunder, dem. Weaver v. Belcher, 3 East, R. 449. » Keech v.
More accessible but less full are Sir William Evans's remarks on the civilian background in his essay on the action for money had and received which is reprinted in [ 1998 ] Restitution L Rev 1 , 4-5 . 7 Text to n .
Revisão dos contratos: elementos para sua construção dogmática
This latest edition maintains and builds upon the exemplary standards set by its predecessors. The fourth edition includes many new and significant cases.
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract
Cheshire and Fifoot's Law of Contract