How do science and religion interact? This study examines the ways in which two minorities in Britain - the Quaker and Anglo-Jewish communities - engaged with science. Drawing on a wealth of documentary material, Geoffrey Cantor charts the participation of Quakers and Jews in many different aspects of science.
This book is about “the meaning of life” or “the spiritual quest”.
Bruce Gordon and Peter Marshall, The Place of the Dead in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Cambridge: ... C. Tingle and Jonathan Willis, Dying, Death, Burial, and Commemoration in Reformation Europe (London: Routledge, 2015). 10.
Weissenbacher, Stephen P. Weldon, and Tomoko Yoshida
Abbott, M. P. (2010) To be broken and tender: A Quaker theology for today, Portland, OR: Friends Bulletin Corporation. ... (2011) The historical dictionary of the Friends (Quakers), 2nd Edn., Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
... Davies† L. Finkelstein† Already Published Volume 1 Introduction: The Persian Period Edited by W. D. Davies and Louis Finkelstein 1984, 9780521 21880 1 Volume 2 The Hellenistic Age Edited by W. D. Davies and Louis Finkelstein 1989, ...
Rooted in the extraordinary archive of Quaker physician and humanitarian activist, Dr Thomas Hodgkin, this book explores the efforts of the Aborigines' Protection Society to expose Britain's hypocrisy and imperial crimes in the mid ...
See also Witham , Where Darwin Meets the Bible , 151 , and references to ch . 8 . 16. Witham , Where Darwin Meets the Bible , 159 . 17. Theodosius Dobzhansky , “ Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution ...
Code, L. (1993). Taking Subjectivity into Account. In L. Alcoff and E. Potter (Eds.) Feminist Epistemologies. (pp. 15–48). New York: Routledge. Conway, A. (1692). The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. London.
The Cambridge History of Judaism Vol. 2: The Hellenistic Age, ed. W. D. Davies and Louis Finkelstein. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. The Cambridge History of Judaism Vol. 3: The Early Roman Period, ed.
27 Geoffrey Cantor, 'Friendsof science? The roleof sciencein Quaker periodicals', inHensonet al. (eds.), Culture and science, pp. 83–93.Seealso Cantor, Quakers, Jews,and science: Religiousresponses tomodernity andthe sciencesin Britain, ...