Other chapters deal with newly emerging concerns in management accounting, including network relations, integrated cost management systems, knowledge management pursuits, environmental management accounting, and accounting and digitisation. Each chapter encompasses discussions of basic premises complemented by insights from modern day practice, research and thought. This makes the book particularly suitable for students in intermediate, advanced and executive level courses in management accounting. It also provides an extensive corpus of discussions, which will inform those in practice. Readers interested in gaining direct insights into specialised management accounting areas will find this book to be an especially valuable reference source
Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting: Cost of quality
The book explores the developing challenges and opportunities within the business and finance world which are likely to impact the accounting profession in the near future.
This book contains six lecture modules on some contemporary issues in strategic management accounting.
In the 18 chapters in this volume of Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, expert contributors gather together to examine the extent and characteristics of forensic accounting, a field which has been practiced for many ...
Volume 99 is a collection of theoretical and empirical studies in governance and regulation, with application to both macro and microeconomic issues.
Moving beyond the short-sighted goal of profit maximization, Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management shines a light on measures that really matter, such as value.
This book is for upper-level students, managers and academics who are interested in exploring the Šmessy reality of the contemporary workplace and in considering how things might be done differently.
This book has papers presented in ICCBP 2021 in the area of Marketing, Finance and Accounting, OB and HRM, Operations and SCM, IT, Strategy, Entrepreneurship and case studies with respect to various functional activities.
This book focuses on two central aspects of the risk managing process, namely 1. how managers (can and do) assess developments in the external risk environment and deal with them, and 2. analysing the effects of risk management and ...
Volume 31 of Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting (SMFA) covers contemporary issues in performance measurement and management control.