Trusts Textbook is an accessible text that sets out in clear and comprehensive terms the essential content of undergraduate degree courses in trusts. The nature and history of equity is also considered in detail and equitable remedies are discussed throughout the context of trusts law. Thetext elucidates the relationship between trusts, property, contract and restitution to enable students to map out conceptual connections between competing legal ideas. There is also a focus on modern cases in the commercial sphere to reflect the constantly changing and socially-significant role oftrusts and equity. A number of features are used throughout the book to enable the students to work interactively with the text, allowing them to test their knowledge and check their understanding of the law. These features include self-assesssment questions and exercises, chapter summaries,diagrams and guides to further reading. A glossary of key terms is also included.This new edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate all major developments since the last edition, including the Charities Bill 2004, the Civil Partnerships Bill 2004, Inland Revenue proposals for the reform of trusts taxation (2004) and Law Commission proposals on the apportionmentof capital and income (2004) and the forfeiture rule (2003). Also new to this edition are around thirty new cases on subjects as diverse as mortgage fraud, money laundering, tax avoidance, defrauding trade creditors, solicitors acting in conflict of interest and disputes over domestic property.Online Resource CentreThe text is supported by a companion web site containing further details of major cases discussed in the text, questions and guide answers, updates and web links to related sites.
Broadly (and with emphasis on simplicity at this introductory stage), this will occur because the settlor has tried to create a trust in favour of a third-party beneficiary and because, although legal title has been transferred from him ...
This textbook provides an analysis of equity and trusts for those studying at undergraduate level and for professional examinations. Recent cases and their decisions are included.
Equity and Trusts: Textbook
Equity and Trusts: Textbook
Equity and Trusts: Textbook
This book is designed for use as a supplementary text for a course on wills and trusts and the primary text in a seminar or course exploring the law of trusts.
The eighth edition of Equity and Trusts will be edited and updated to include discussion of the key developments in the subject since publication of the seventh edition in 2012, including the latest case law and potential for regulation ...
Law of Trusts Textbook
Equity and Trusts Textbook
This new edition of this comprehensive text has been substantially updated in the light of developments since the last edition.