The Gesamtkunstwerk ('total work of art'), once a key concept in Wagner studies, has become problematic. This book sheds light on this conundrum by first tracing the development of the concept in the 19th century through selected examples, some of which include combinations of different art forms. It then focuses on the culmination of the Gesamtkunstwerk in Wagner's theories and in the practice of his late music dramas, of which Der Ring des Nibelungen is the most complete representation. Finally, the book contrasts the view of the Ring as a fusion of dramatic text and music with the 20th century trend towards Deconstruction in Wagnerian productions and the importance of Régie. Against this trend a case is made here for a fresh critical approach and a reconsideration of the nature and basis for the fundamental unity which has hitherto been widely perceived in Wagner's Ring. Approaches through Leitmotiv alone are no longer acceptable. However, in conjunction with another principle, Moment, which Wagner insisted on combining with Motive, these can be ingeniously 'staged' and steered to dramatic ends by means of musical dynamics and expressive devices such as accumulation. Analysis of the two Erda scenes demonstrates how this complex combination of resources acts as a powerful means of fusion of the musical and dramatic elements in the Ring and confirms its status as a Gesamtkunstwerk.
... Luisa 74,123, 124 Thom, Paul 2 Thomas, Amboise 29 Thompson, Gordon 95 Thurman, Leon 66, 68, 88 Timberlake, Craig 9, 23, 37 Tinctoris, 165 Titze, ...
... by a full cycle per second, from 6.5 Hz (e.g., Enrico Caruso [Dejonckere et al., 1995]) to 5.5 Hz (e.g., Luciano Pavarotti [Keidar, Titze, & Timberlake ...
Timberlake, C. (1986). The 'pop' singer and the voice teacher (From the American Academy of Teachers of Singing). The NATSJournal, September/October, 21, ...
... Joseph C.95 Stendhal (Beyle, Henri) 31 Steptoe, Andrew 3, 175 Stevens, ... Gordon 95 Thurman, Leon 66, 68,88 Timberlake, Craig 9, 23, 37 Tinctoris, ...
... Camp Aesthetic: Advancing New Perspectives, edited by Bruce E. Drushel ... “Our Icons: Ourselves; Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Kevin Federline, ...
A Christmas Carol in Bethlehem is an adaptation of Dickens' classic 19th century English tale that places Scrooge in Bethlehem at the birth of Christ.
(Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook). 16 tracks from Timberlake's 2018 album which debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 charts, including: Breeze off the Pond * Filthy * Flannel * The Hard Stuff * Hers * Higher Higher * Livin' off the ...
(Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook).
(Piano/Vocal/Guitar Songbook). Matching folio to the infectious soundtrack of the 2016 DreamWorks film featuring songs by Justin Timberlake; Anna Kendrick; Zooey Deschanel; Gwen Stefani; Ariana Grande; Earth, Wind & Fire; and more!
2, footnote cites uvedale Price, An Essay on the Picturesque, as compared with the sublime and the beautiful, and, on the use of studying pictures for the purpose of improving real landscape (London: printed for J. Robson, 1794), p.