This is the biography of a contested memory, how it was born, grew, changed the world, and was changed by it. It's the story of the story of how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began. Joseph Smith, the church's founder, remembered that his first audible prayer, uttered inspring of 1820 when he was about fourteen, was answered with a vision of heavenly beings. Appearing to the boy in the woods near his parents' home in western New York State, they told Smith that he was forgiven and warned him that Christianity had gone astray. Smith created a rich and controversial historical record by narrating and documenting this event repeatedly. In First Vision, Steven Harper shows how Latter-day Saints (beginning with Joseph Smith) and others have remembered this experience and rendered it meaningful. When and why and how did JosephSmith's first vision, as saints know the event, become their seminal story? What challenges did it face along the way? What changes did it undergo as a result? Can it possibly hold its privileged position against the tides of doubt and disbelief, memory studies, and source criticism - all in theinformation age? Steven Harper tells the story of how Latter-day Saints forgot and then remembered accounts of Smith's experience and how Smith's 1838 account was redacted and canonized. He explores the dissonance many saints experienced after discovering multiple accounts of Smith's experience. Hedescribes how, for many, the dissonance has been resolved by a reshaped collective memory.
Joseph Smith's First Vision: A Guide to the Historical Accounts
This volume brings together some of the finest presentations from the 2020 BYU Church History Symposium honoring the bicentennial of the First Vision. Explore the influence of the First Vision, as well as teachings of other visionaries.
Joseph's First Vision
Joseph Smith's First Vision: A Guide to the Historical Accounts
The First Vision: The Prophet Joseph Smith's Own Account
Step into the Sacred Grove as you open the pages of this fascinating history. And learn anew of Joseph's humility, diligence, and faith-and the miraculous answer to his simple prayer.
The First Vision is the founding event of Mormonism.
The narration found in this book incorporates elements from all the accounts given by the Prophet, as well as accounts recorded by those who heard him firsthand.
The book proposes solutions that will mitigate the troubling consequences of congestion, spiraling road costs, bad roads, and political inertia.
"A combined account of Joseph Smith's First Vision, taken from nine contemporaneous accounts"--