Preceded by Textbook of family medicine / Ian R. McWhinney, Thomas Freeman. 3rd edition. 2009.
The first edition was widely acclaimed for its originality, depth of analysis, and elegant style. The book has now been extensively revised, while retaining its original structure.
'McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine' is one of the seminal texts in the field, defining the principles and practices of family medicine as a distinct field of practice.
Greaves argues that alternative medicine is a continuation of humoral medicine which emphasizes the need for balance within the body and its parts and recognizes the strong relationship between mental and physical processes.
Offers guidance on the principles of family medicine, primary care in the community, and various aspects of clinical practice.
One is particularly impressed by the wide acceptance on the part of medical students of the concept of the primary physician. Dr. John S.
This unique volume will serve as an inspiration to current family doctors and family medicine researchers and educators, as well as to doctors in training, medical students and emerging researchers in family medicine.
This book will explore the childbirth process through globally diverse perspectives in order to offer a broader context with which to think about birth.
This handbook covers practical issues, such as how to deal with confidentiality, compliance, complaints, and referral letters as well as clinical medicine. It also raises issues such as dealing with stress and entering the profession.
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